ACE New Zealand Conference, 1-2 September 2022, Rotorua


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Cultural competence and authentic engagement full-day workshop

Hone Hurihanganui

This is a facilitated professional conversation which explores notions of cultural competence, cultural safety and cultural intelligence.

(additional cost to conference)

Thursday 1 September


Powhiri and morning tea


Crafting Your Business's Value Proposition

David Downs

David will help your business leaders tell the story that sets your business apart, and what defines the construction and infrastructure sector in New Zealand.

He will guide you in developing narratives to leverage value so you can better position your consulting business here and overseas.


The Leader in the Mirror – Taking Care of Yourself to Lead Well

Dr Lucy Hone

Lucy’s presentation will address challenging questions and help you to learn actionable steps and tools to sustainably thrive in your capacity as a high performing leader. You’ll walk away with answers to some of your burning questions.


ACE New Zealand's  Mentally Healthy Workplaces Programme launch

ACE New Zealand and the Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum

Hear from ACE New Zealand and the Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum on where we can focus our attention to create a step-change in our design of mentally healthy workspaces for the consulting sector.


Concurrent abstract sessions

Hear from presenters on one of four themes – Designing a first-class consulting experience,  Developing a workforce fit for the future, Engaging authentically, or Leaning into our changing world.

More information 


A journey of cultural advisory

Kumeroa Pihama

There are a range of questions, perspectives and anxieties that can arise when we question how prepared we are for the Aotearoa – New Zealand that is being built around us. How fit for purpose is my business or industry? Or What relevance does this have for me? Generally born from the risk of the unknown this presentation will reinforce and introduce the value that you will recognise by telling WSP’s cultural advisory story, our teenier and a hit of our future.


Gifts in a Crisis

Rabia Siddique

The ability to lift and inspire others to action is critical for leaders, whether it be on a war-torn battlefield or in a team meeting. Rabia will help you to truly step up in times of uncertainty and adversity and will explore what it means to display moral courage and lead by example, to stand up for your principles in the face of adversity and to live what you preach.


Social night at the Redwoods Treewalk and Eastwood Café

Redwoods Treewalk and Eastwood Café

Experience a  new world from above at the Redwoods Treewalk after our first day of conference. Unwind with friends and make some new ones on this stunning suspended walk throughout Rotorua’s famous Redwood Forest before enjoying a relaxed dinner at nearby Eastwood Café.

Getting there - first bus departs Novotel Lakeside Hotel at 6pm, last bus at 6.45pm. 
Dinner at Eastwood Café from 7.30pm to 9pm.

Friday 2 September


Storytelling for Leaders 90-minute masterclass

Rabia Siddique

Rabia will help you to focus on the 'how to' identify, capture and share both individual stories and organisation stories to impact positive cultural change, promote stronger and more cohesive team dynamics and stakeholder relationships. You'll leave being able to facilitate innovative, brave and outside the box thinking and initiatives.

(additional cost to conference)


Applying Mātauranga Māori to our thinking, design, and engineering practices through Pūrākau

Eruera Lee-Morgan 

Drawing on old ways of knowing and embedding them in our new ways doing things to shape a sustainable and safer Aotearoa for all New Zealanders.


Re-defining Better Value

Maureen Thurston

Maureen's presentation will address our tendency to lean into low-cost procurement at a time when our industry needs to be brave as we shift to broader outcome procurement and enduring community outcomes. Maureen will lead us through why it’s important to redefine what we mean by value and how we can use innovation and procurement to deliver better outcomes for everyone.


Understanding What Clients Value

Couch session with Colin Crampton and Ian Fraser

In this moderated panel discussion, hear from Colin Crampton of Wellington Water as we journey to understand the client perspective on values-based procurement and engagement. For our industry to see positive transformation, clients, mana whenua and consultants need a collective understanding of value to support a move from solution-first procurement to procurement that delivers real and lasting value.  


The Value of YOU

Shelly Davies

As consultants you know the value of your work, yet it’s the clients who are driving the price. This presentation by straight-talker Shelly Davies will encourage you to confront the way you value what you do and be bold enough to charge what you’re worth.


Concurrent abstract sessions

Hear from presenters on one of four themes – Harnessing technology and innovation to work smarter,  Leading through disruption, Leaning into our changing world, or Developing a workforce fit for the future.

More information 



Atlas restaurant


Steps to the future

ACE CE Helen Davidson and ACE President Ian Fraser



Mike Groves, Hannah Bryce, Bryce Wilson and Emily Walton

Risky business


Keynote address

Minister Nanaia Mahuta

Minister Mahuta will talk to us about what it takes to maintain strong leadership and vision in the face of challenges, and the Governments commitment to grow a strong and diverse workforce to deliver on our infrastructure goals.


Afternoon tea and conference closing


ACE Awards gala dinner

Skyline Rotorua

The ACE Awards recognise the excellent consulting that shapes all our futures, from national policies to sustainable communities to technological innovations. The awards ceremony showcases the best of the best.

Getting there - buses depart the Novotel Lakeside Hotel at 5.30 and 5.40pm. 

Programme begins at 6.45pm

The conference programme is current at 10 August 2022 and subject to change. Details will be updated as they are confirmed.

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